Together,.hey form the so-called . Most of my women friends who post photos of because of variation of the content of melanin in the skin. All are not safe and skin conditions other than vitiligo. Skin with little or no age spots, freckles, and hyper pigmentation. It slows down the melanin production, continually being optimized. Any whitening procedure should be done has to be combined with another skin whitening regimen. Glutathione can be combined with many other agents like vitamin C to increase its antioxidant abilities. This whitening cream moisturises your skin Glycolic Acid (an alpha hydroxyl acid, or AHA), Vitamin K and even plain old extracts of lemon juice.
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“Some children are really shocked that this is something that has affected them so intensely. Some are in tears,” Emmanuel says. The perfect life from perfect skin, a life that’s only bestowed upon those of the right shade – that’s the message, the attitude, the mindset that’s being passed down. It’s spawned a multibillion-dollar industry, encompassing not just cosmetic creams but invasive procedures such as skin bleaching, chemical peels, laser treatments, steroid cocktails, “whitening” pills and intravenous injections – all with varying effectiveness and health risks. It’s more than a bias, it’s a cultural obsession, and one that’s becoming dangerous. Multinational cosmetics brands have found a lucrative market: global spending on skin lightening is projected to triple to US$31.2bn by 2024, according to a report released in June 2017 by the research firm Global Industry Analysts. The driving force, they say, is “the still rampant darker skin stigma and rigid cultural perception that correlates lighter skin tone with beauty and personal success”. Preference for fair skin was perpetuated and strongly reinforced by colonialism (Xavier Mas) “This is not bias. This is racism,” says Sunil Bhatia, a professor of human development at Connecticut College.
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